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NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps
NuPrime AMG STA - Poweramplifier (stereo), Mono amps

AMG STA is a properly upgraded STA-9, we are moving in the 10-series performance but with a little different grip on the reproduction and more choices as STA can be run both in stereo and mono.
AMG STA incorporates several state-of-the-art innovations in power amplifier design. The class-leading features include 1M Ohm input impedance, high instantaneous current for power delivery, 700 kHz switching frequency and Single-Ended Non-Negative Class A module combined with Double Feedback Class D module for 300 W mono amplifier power.

The AMG Series front panel embodies its spirit. It is milled from a 15 mm hardened aluminum alloy using a four-axis CNC machine with diamond cutter through a 48-step process. Design elements such as the 'floating' 3D logo, the curved surface around the front panel switch and the diamond-cut edge give the AMG Series' affordable features the elegance of truly expensive audio products.

The technology
The AMG STA's circuit board is shielded to isolate external interference. The 300 MHz bandwidth JFET provides ultra-high input impedance and fast response across the entire bandwidth. The dynamics of the design and the single-ended Class A circuitry enhance the natural second harmonic.
This design allows the most sensitive details of the audio signal to be passed through the chain. The transparency of the sound reproduction is truly astonishing in this class, with a skill in creating a highly detailed soundstage.
AMG-STA uses the Class A Single-Ended, Non-Negative Feedback module in combination with a new Class D Double Feedback circuit. The Class D oscillation frequency has been increased to 700 kHz, which is 1.4 times that of the STA-9.

Power circuit
The power supply uses a 380W custom wound power transformer, which has 30% more peak power than a traditional transformer.
The AC input to the power transformer uses a high current welding line to provide maximum power transfer.
In addition, a high frequency 3rd order AC power filter reduces external noise.
A 20A terminal block connects the transformer to the motherboard, in parallel with two 10A peak current rectifiers.
The main power path, which has a large-capacity current design, uses a low-impedance copper plate to maximize power delivery to the amplifier circuits.

How did AMG STA mono achieve better sound characteristics and more power than AMG STA stereo?
The standard method of bridging a stereo amplifier to mono uses a series of op-amps (OPA) to invert the input signals to one of the stereo amplifiers, thereby creating an opposite phase, which can then be combined to increase power. Conversely, AMG STA's innovative bridge circuit uses a design we call Single-Ended Direct-Inject Bridge Technology, where the mono mode, in addition to more than doubling the power output, sounds livelier and more dynamic.

The impression of listening
With improvements in all areas, the bar has been raised for what is possible to achieve with audio performance in a small format.
The AMG STA has a flavor all its own, so it's hard to compare it to the Evolution One, which takes some of its design cues from the ST-10, or the ST-10, which is in the same price range. AMG STA sounds soft and relaxing. Detail, resolution, dynamics and speed are in the ST-10's class, yet the sound is completely different.
In comparison to the Evolution One, they shared the characteristic of being easy to reproduce the details of the recording. However, the AMG STA does things differently. While Evolution One has that inviting warmth, AMG STA wants to entice the listener. Instead of glitz and glamor, which quickly draws you into the performance, AMG STA has an attitude that slowly brings you into the music.

AMG STA's tonal characteristics tend to be full-bodied and rich, so instruments and vocals seem to have extra body, weight and harmonic richness. It may not be the most accurate reproduction but makes jazz and vocal pieces very addictive. It can take away the raw edge in rock and electronic music.

It is difficult to describe the sound of the AMG STA in measurable attributes because the presentation is quite different from the other series. You have to try it and hear for yourself.
Christiaan Punter, HFA (
The AMG-PRA + AMG-STA form a beautiful combination, not only visually, but also in terms of sound synergy, the robust and full-bodied sound of the preamplifier perfectly complementing the slightly narrower balance of the power amplifier. The combined result is a musically always engaging sound that is solid and full-bodied, smooth and refined yet highly detailed and transparent, with perfect pace and amazing dynamics. Honestly, for 3200 euros, I haven't heard a better amplifier, either integrated or separate.As amazing as the combination is, the AMG-STA power amplifier is truly the star of the show. On its own, it can perform at a level far beyond what you'd expect from an amplifier at this price point. To be more precise: if the preamplifier already performs at a level that defies the price tag, the power amplifier steals the show because it has the ability to perform at the same level as amplifiers that usually cost several times as much as its modest price. I'm not kidding!
Combine the AMG-STA with an amazing volume-controlled DAC and you have an almost unbeatable system. If ever there was an easy decision between single and dual amplifiers, this is it. The pair simply elevates performance in every audiophile parameter, without compromising emotional engagement.
As should be clear by now, I'm definitely impressed with the NuPrime power amplifiers. First the ST-10 proved to be a keeper, then the ST-10 Monos proved that the concept could be taken further, then the AMG-STA proved that class-D can be as "analog" and as refined as the best linear final stages, and now the pair of AMG-STA have raised the bar even further. Although the ST10 and ST10 Monos still have their unique feel, from now on the AMG-STA pair is my personal reference when it comes to affordable power amplifiers with real high-end ambitions.
Whether used as a single stereo model or as a dual-mono pair, the AMG-HPA is an absolute HFA favorite.

  • Stereo power: 2 X 130W @ 8 Ohm & 2 X 200W @ 4 Ohm
  • Mono power: 300W @ 8 ohms & 320W @ 4 ohms
  • Nominal / peak current: 10A / 15A
  • Gain: 26 (stereo) & 52 (mono)
  • Signal to noise ratio: 100 dB @ 10W
  • THD+N: 0.006
  • Frequency response: 10Hz~50K Hz +-0.2dB @ 8 Ohm. 58K Hz @ -3dB
  • Input impedance: 1M Ohm
  • Sensitivity: 1.2 Vrms @ Stereo; 0.95 Vrms @ Mono

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Regarding speakers, be aware that speakers may need a long recording time to come into their own. After a couple of hours you can usually get a taste of what to expect, but a speaker deserves 100h+ before serious listening. The speakers we sell with ribbon tweeters need several hundred hours before they start to sing. So feel free to leave the speakers on around the clock so you can quickly accumulate hours.


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Take Harmony Electronics: 2 years

Take Harmony Cables: 5 years

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