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NuPrime HPA-9

NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner
NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner
NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner
NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner
NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner
NuPrime HPA-9 - Bargain corner

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A pure Class-A headphone amp and preamp with low temporal distortion and lifelike sound

The NuPrime HPA-9 is a pure Class-A headphone amp and preamp with low temporal distortion and lifelike sound. The single-ended Class-A design and non-feedback output stage are capable of handling wide fluctuations and range of headphone impedances from 16 to 1000 ohms.

HPA-9 was derived from NuPrime DAC-10H, which won The Absolute Sound Product Of The Year 2015 award. The headphone amp of DAC-10H was compared to high-end standalone headphone amp costing as much as $3000. Today's best headphones can cost as much as a high-end DAC. Their owners demand a headphone amp that fully exploits their potential. High resolution DAC chips are starting to be incorporated into smart phones and that would further drive the need for high performance headphone amp that can be used with a wide range of in-ear and over-ear headphones. Phono input is included for vinyl enthusiast.


  • Single End JFET input stage circuitry design provides the very good second harmonics. And provide high input impedance and ultra low input bias currents. As well as high S/R.
  • Non feedback output stage design provides low Temporal Distortion and natural sound.
  • Pure Class A headphone amp design.
  • Phono (RIAA) input module: Internal setting to MM or MC.
  • Supporting up to 3 headphones simultaneously.
  • Maximum headphone impedance support range from 8 ohm and up to 1K ohm. Although many headphones state that the nominal impedance is at 300 Ohms, however, during some frequency (100Hz for instance) the peak impedance is actually at around 700 ~ 800 ohm. The HPA-9 does not have such limitation.
  • DC offset protection.



    • 1 x Phono Stage
    • 2x Analog Stereo RCA


    • 1 x 3.5mm earphone out
    • 2 x 6.3mm headphones out
    • 2 x pair of stereo RCA out
  • THD+N: < -110 dB (1 kHz / maximum gain)
  • Frequency Response: 0 Hz to 200KHz (-3dB)
  • Dimensions: (W x H x D): 235 mm x 55 mm x 281 mm
  • Weight: 5.5 pounds ( 2.5kg )
  • Worldwide AC voltage: (90VAC~130VAC // 210VAC~ 250VAC) With Voltage Select Switch
  • AC Fuse: Slow-blow, T1A, 250VAC

Innovative Designs

The following design features allow HPA-9 to outperform majority of the headphone amps on the market costing many times more.

JFET Input Stage: The single-ended JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor) structure is powered by voltage with the characteristics of a solid-state semiconductor very much like a vacuum tube. The HPA-9 therefore produces a sound very close to a triode's. The high 2nd harmonic also contributes to the sound's warmth and neutrality, with an especially rich midrange.

The amplification circuit: The HITACHI 2SA872 and 2SC1775 transistors are no longer in production. However, we managed to acquire sufficient inventory for HPA-9. We have chosen these transistors because of three important features of a small-signal amplification transistor: high HFE for high current capability to power hard-to-drive headphones, wide bandwith (FT) and low output capacitance (low COB). The result is a natural, high-resolution, detailed and wide-bandwidth sound.

Non-feedback, pure Class A output stage design: Non-feedback design with very low nonlinear distortion is difficult to accomplish, but when achieved, provides a smooth sonic characteristic. The design's best example is the Swiss darTZeel NHB-108 amp priced at about $20,000USD. The HPA-9 uses a 40W transistor specification for the output stage and an extremely precise KOA 0.1R.13W resistor with ideally quiet current consumption. Such an innovative design makes the HPA-9 a one-of-a-kind headphone amp.

World-class power supply: HPA-9 uses twelve 2200uF capacitors to form a capacitor bank array, and when the auxiliary capacitors are included, provides 30400uF of reserved power capacity. We are not aware of any other headphone amp using such a design, typical rather of high-end power amps. The massive capacitance array provides abundant power to drive any high-impedance headphone.


To drive high impedance headphones properly by simply increasing headphone-amp power is insufficient. A brute- force, high-power design can cause the headphones to be played too loud, often resulting in long-term hearing loss. By providing large, instantaneous amounts of power through 30400uF capacitor array, a pure, Class A design of a high current and low impedance output stage, the HPA-9 is able to drive high-impedance headphones with ease while providing just the required amount of power for high efficiency earphones.

HPA-9 Reviews

"...It certainly has it's own signature that will impart a bit of it's flavor into your music but the for the most part bleeds and inviting warmth down low and lack of glare and airiness up top. I find it neither forward or laid back but a really good middle ground of aggression. Musically natural is what this amp is...

...(with the HD800S) the bass is pretty tight. Instantly agreeable in tonality and balance. High gain is heaps better for the HD800S as the bass firms up substantially and adds tonal weight overall...
...(with the THX00) this is golden right here. This sounds better than all of the other amps for the THX00 on exciting songs...The warmth of the 9 and linear treble balance of its tuning, gently buffer the glare of the THX00 but only slightly as to not hinder its perception of a forward and breathy vocal run. If you are looking for an amp for your THX00 I would say stop right here...
... it has a lot going for it and is an easy recommendation for someone looking for an amp that can play with most headphones and then some. My Trafomatic Head 2 has an impedance knob of 25,50,100,300, and 600 ohms yet it seems and sounds less versatile than this amp. Good insight, refinement, and musical tonality make this headphone amp a real winner in my book...", grizzlybeast (

To learn more about NuPrime products, please visit the NuPrime forum on AUDIOCIRCLEHere.

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Buy&Try applies to the entire Aune, Auralic, Quadral, Sbooster & Taga range.

Buy & try gives you as a customer the opportunity to try out the product in your own home environment, instead of standing in a stressful store and trying to form an opinion. Rooms behave very differently and affect the sound in different ways and we give you the opportunity to demo the product for a full 30 days, in your own home.


If for some reason you feel dissatisfied, just contact us and we will help you with the return shipping, you can also take advantage of our shipping agreements with lower prices. Costs that will be charged to the customer are the shipping to the customer and the return shipping to us at MYC HiFi. For return approval, the item must be returned in new condition and in the original packaging.


Regarding speakers, be aware that speakers may need a long recording time to come into their own. After a couple of hours you can usually get a taste of what to expect, but a speaker deserves 100h+ before serious listening. The speakers we sell with ribbon tweeters need several hundred hours before they start to sing. So feel free to leave the speakers on around the clock so you can quickly accumulate hours.


If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.



  • Buy & Try applies to goods that are normally kept in stock and not to order goods, unless otherwise agreed.

We provide at least a 2-year warranty on all products, some products have up to a 5-year warranty. With this, you avoid expensive insurances and can feel safe as a customer. In case of problems during the warranty period, contact us and we will solve it quickly and smoothly.

Aune: 2 years

Denon: 2 years

Marantz: 2 years

NuPrime: 2 years

Sbooster: 2 years

Taga Harmony: Passive speakers 5 years

Take Harmony Electronics: 2 years

Take Harmony Cables: 5 years

Quadral: Passive speakers 5 years

Xindak: Cables 5 years

Other products see the manufacturer's warranty.


The 2-year warranty does not apply to headphones, demo/service copies or consumables, in these cases the manufacturer's warranty applies. On demo and service copies, the warranty period is stated on the product page.

Lamp warranty

If the lamp for your projector breaks during the first 12 months, or the first 1000 hours (whichever comes first), you will receive a new lamp free of charge. If the manufacturer has a more generous warranty, it applies.